Montessori Primer: Nurturing a Lifelong Learner

Lifelong learning is jargon that has been floating in the educational world in recent years. But what exactly does a lifelong learner look like? The Montessori method provides the framework of the ideal habits of learning – habits that will sustain students the rest of their lives. Surprisingly, the phrase “lifelong learning” has roots not in the educational world, but as jargon in the 1970’s that was popularized in European intergovernmental agencies in the 1990’s. Europe was seeking to change educational policies to create a stronger global economy. Since imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, governments around the world adopted this platform to make education a priority.

So what does a “lifelong learner” look like at MASS? We believe that constant self-improvement and pursuit of passions is a natural human tendency that begins at birth. If fostered, this urge never goes away. We witness the child who engages in play outside with his friends, peace conversations between two students with opposing views, and the sense of confidence as the students share their research. We believe parents are the best role models for their children. To encourage lifelong learning in your child, it is important to demonstrate what it looks like.

Lifelong learners:

Challenge Their Minds
Regularly reading, writing, and completing puzzles keeps the mind engaged

Exercise Their Bodies
Habits of fitness lead to positive self-image, and building core strength increases ability to focus and concentrate.

Stay Socially Connected
Interacting with family, friends, or volunteer improves communication skills and ability to work together with others

Stay In School
Take classes in areas you love (sewing class, programming class, yoga)

Are Confident
Those who can control their feelings, control their choices

Manage Stress
Stay as calm and positive as possible in all situations

Join us Wednesday as share more content from our Montessori Primer!